30 January 2024
AVM rolls out update for 4 FRITZ!Box models

Fiber optic internet made easy: FRITZ!OS 7.80 brings fresh features

> Press photo

Today AVM is releasing the FRITZ!OS 7.80 fiber optic update for the four models: FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber, 5530 Fiber, FRITZ!Box 7590 AX and 7530 AX. The update increases transparency and simplifies the initial installation on fiber optic connections. The FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber and 5530 Fiber, which can be used directly on the fiber optic connection, get the most out of every cable. They come with an integrated fiber optic modem, eliminating the need for an additional modem. With FRITZ!OS 7.80 the two models get an innovative fiber optics overview in the user interface. Users can see important information about the connection, speed, as well as connection type and connection quality at a glance. The new overview gives users more transparency for stable and fast fiber optic connections. By receiving additional information about the connection quality, internet providers also benefit from the FRITZ!Box Fiber models with FRITZ!OS 7.80. When switching from DSL to fiber, the existing FRITZ!Box can simply continue to be used on an additional fiber modem. It's for precisely this switch that FRITZ!OS 7.80 for the popular FRITZ!Box 7590 AX and 7530 AX models now offers more help for a simple and smooth initial installation with the various providers. With around 4.2 million active and an additional 4.0 million activated connections(1), fiber is the fastest growing broadband technology in Germany. Fiber optics offers high speed, low latency, and is practically immune to interference. With FRITZ!Box Fiber, users can take full advantage of the fiber optic cable - all in an energy-efficient manner and with one single device. Find out more about FRITZ!OS 7.80 here.

FRITZ!Box - initial configuration with MyFRITZ!App

With FRITZ!OS 7.80, AVM is also preparing the four FRITZ!Box models for the new MyFRITZ!App Configuration Wizard, which will soon be available for iOS and Android. The planned wizard makes it possible to set up a new FRITZ!Box on a fiber optic and DSL connection quickly and intuitively using a smartphone or tablet. During the initial configuration the app guides the user step-by-step and interactively through the installation. The app also gives useful tips on the Wi-Fi guest access, parental controls, call blocking, and much more.

FRITZ!OS 7.80 at a glance

The FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber and 5530 Fiber, which run directly on the fiber optic connection, now offer these features:

  • An innovative fiber optic overview in the user interface. Users get important information about the connection, speed, as well as connection type and connection quality.
  • Simplified configuration of the internet connection for ever more providers, including Deutsche Telekom, 1&1, Vodafone, and O2.
  • Detailed information on the fiber optic connection added to the "FRITZ!Box Info" push service.
  • A range of improvements to details for stable, secure connections – see

The FRITZ!Box 7590 AX and 7530 AX, which connect to a fiber optic modem, receive the following innovations:

  • Configuration for a connection to a fiber optic modem (ONT) has been greatly simplified.
  • The speed of the connection between LAN 1/WAN of the FRITZ!Box and the fiber optic modem is displayed on the overview page.
  • A range of improvements to details for stable, secure connections – see

(1) DIALOG CONSULT / VATM – 25th telecommunications market analysis, Germany 2023